Studio Policies

These are the primary studio policies. Feel free to contact me if you’d like me to send my complete and formal policy agreement.

Parental Involvement
Parents are encouraged to become actively involved in the student’s musical education. Helping your child practice daily and occasionally attending lessons will greatly boost the child’s success.

Questions and observations are welcomed and encouraged. Please save these questions and comments until after the lesson, so as not to confuse or distract the student.

Makeup policy
Up to three lessons per year may be rescheduled when possible. If more lessons are cancelled, they will not be made up. Because your teacher has specifically set this time aside for you, lessons missed are not credited toward tuition. Regularly scheduled lessons provide a more productive learning environment for students. If the teacher must miss a lesson, you will be notified in advance, and that lesson will either be made up or the amount will be credited to your account.

In the case of prolonged illness and emergencies, exceptions can be made. Please do not send your children if they are ill or may be contagious.

Though accommodations can be made to some degree for late arrivals, since lessons are often scheduled back-to-back, the next student’s lesson will start on time, no matter when the first student arrived.

At times, students will need to purchase music for the lesson. For beginner students, initial books will be selected and provided by the teacher, and the charges for these materials will be applied to your account. For the purchase of later materials, the student or parent will be asked to purchase specific items. Please make every effort to purchase these materials quickly, as lessons cannot proceed productively without the necessary curriculum.

Students who are consistently disrespectful, even after warning, may find that day’s lesson is stopped prematurely, without refund.

Waiting Room
For your convenience, a waiting area is provided for those waiting for their lesson to start. If students arrive early, please remember that it is the parent’s responsibility to supervise their children outside of the lesson time.

Problem solving
If any concerns arise as to literature, practicing, physical or technical difficulties, etc., please let me know as soon as possible so that we can find a creative solution together and make lessons enjoyable and successful for you.